Member 1 Member 2Up until now, we’ve heard of many cases involving citizens that got into trouble for bragging about their automotive “accomplishments” online, but this is the first time that we’ve heard about cops getting probed. An unidentified number of cops have joined the Facebook group “Yes I Had A Polcol” (Polcol being a slang abbreviation for Police Collision) displaying pictures of various accidents that they've been in. Additionally, many of them bragged and joked about crashing cars and hitting pedestrians.
Of course, many users hastily removed their pictures and comments when the story broke out, but not all of them followed. For example, here’s what two members –note however that we can’t be 100% certain whether the posters are cops or not- wrote on the group’s discussion board: (Continued after the jump)
Offbeat News
UK Cops Probed For Posting Pictures & Bragging About Police Car Accidents on Facebook
UK Cops Probed For Posting Pictures & Bragging About Police Car Accidents on Facebook
Published 8:28 AM