The only common ground between the mid-80’s first generation Mazda RX-7 and the late 60’s Jaguar E-Type is the front-mounted engine, rear-wheel drive layout. But that seemed a good enough base for this old chap to create a unique replica of the stunning Jaguar E-Type Convertible using the chassis and the 135Hp strong Wankel rotary engine of a 1985 Mazda RX-7 (FB, 3rd Series). Even though the Rotary powered E-Type might lack the… penis-like analogies of the original Brit model, the fiberglass body is pretty detailed and you may fool some people. Plus, you’ll get a kick out of the looks on everybody’s faces when they hear the rotary engine scream. The RX-7 E-Type Convertible was sold on e-Bay a couple of days ago for $16,000 or 12,250 EUR. -More images after the jump
Link: eBay
Jaguar E-Type Convertible Replica Based On Mazda RX-7
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